Art Deco, baby – Lincoln Road

Visiting Miami Beach was my architectural dream come true. Nowhere else do you have such a concentration of the Art Deco genre, and nowhere else do you have the exuberance of Tropical Deco. I love walking through the streets and capturing all the amazing variations.

Lincoln Road Mall was two blocks away, and it was great fun to walk through it early in the morning, when the restaurants and stores are still closed, and everything has been cleaned from the previous night.



And I could stop as often as I like without causing a people-jam! So many small details captured my eye, but especially the Cadillac LaSalle Fleetwood emblem on what must have once been a dealership.





This was the parking garage at the corner of our block. I just loved the curved walls and wall openings. Why can’t all garages look this cool?


Final installment – hotels!

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